4 week Plan. I have considered time constraints and my own capabilities whilst creating this plan, therefore I do not plan to texture or light my scene within the 4 weeks.
4 Week Plan :
Week One -
I will spending the first week exploring my inspirational Image, I will do this by spending the week sketching out the scene and key objects within the scene Such as Columns, Pipes and panels to look more closely at how these objects look. I will Also decide what I want to do differently compared to my inspirational Image. I will do this by creating sketches on paper and/or in Photoshop.
Week Two -
For the first half of the week I will start to plan out what to model first, I will do this by creating a very basic layout of the scene by sketching a plan of the room in 2D, Once I am happy with the layout I will start my final modelling of my scene. Doing the plan will help me decide where to start with my modelling. On the second half of the week I will begin my modelling. I will model different assets at a time within one scene such as the columns and flooring.
Week Three and Four -
These two weeks will consist of finishing off modelling my scene and hopefully start to UV my models. As I know how long UV's can take I have decided to give my self enough time to do it.By the end of week four I hope to have a scene modelled and UV'd ready for texturing.
Week One Review -
The first week has gone just as planned As I have managed to create multiple sketches of my scene and the assets within it. I used My sketch pad and pencil, and also used Photoshop to create my sketches.
Whilst Doing the sketches I have decided that I want to change the colour scheme of my end product compared to the inspirational image this is because I want my Corridor to feel cleaner than the one in the inspirational image.
The second image tries to resemble my inspirational Image more than the first one however it has far less detail than the original image. In the images I have sketched there a several objects within the scene that I have gone into further detail with my next set of images.
In this Image you can see a Column from 2 different angles, below it is a panel from the wall which also has 2 different angles.
In this image you can see Another panel from the wall. Along with a sketch of the pipe.
There are lots of pipes in the original image therefore I will have to create pipes of various sizes.And some that have bends in them.
Finally I did A sketch of a Vent from the scene, In this sketch I do not plan to model the wire mesh of this object as it would have a very high poly count. Instead I would fix this with textures.
Week 2 Review -
For this week things have gone as plan as I am still on target for my four week project. I have created a 2D plan of my scene, and I have modelled most of my scene. I have created these models within Autodesk 3DS max.
This is the 2D plan that I sketched out before modelling, which would help me plan out what to model first. After sketching it I realised that the top columns were in the wrong place. So I edited it in Photoshop.
I then Started my 3D modelling in 3DS Max which I created 3 polygon planes for my floor and walls. I then chose which asset to model first which was the columns I have created all the assets within the same 3DS Max file.

The next model I did was another variation of the panels, originally I did this without any wires coming from it however when looking at my reference image I noticed that there were wires coming from the panels therefore I decided to add them in as it gives the models more detail.
This image is the main pipe running across the roof of my scene which has several smaller pipes coming out of it. I have chopped the cylinder in half to decrease the amount of polygons in the scene, I have done this because you will only ever see one side of the pipe therefore there is no need to have a full pipe.
This is a model of the doors for the corridor that I started however I've decided that I don't like this design therefore I will be remodelling it next week with a new design.
Finally I have put together what I have modelled already and started to build up my scene with these assets and to see how things are progressing. Next week I will model the rest of the assets needed for the scene and possibly start UV'ing.
Week 3 Review -
This week I have began to fall under my schedule this is because my modelling has taken slightly longer than I thought it would, However I am confident that I can start to UV my model Next week as I have just about finished modelling my scene.
First of all I decided to implement the feed back that I had been given during class and smoothed out my models that were already in the scene in the image below yo can see the difference.
After making the changes I then remodelled my door with new design which has been split in half so that it can be animated to open later on.
I also modelled the pipes that are in the scene, which most I have made so that they are tile able to make things easier when putting my scene together. I had to make different types because each pipe had something unique to it. Creating the green pipes were the hardest as making the bend fit around my panels was tricky to do. After that I created the vent that goes on the roof of my scene, I had to make it longer than my concept drawing so that it matched the rest of the scene.

And finally I spent time readjusting the walls and floors so that I could add in a intersection and so that thing were scaled a little better. I also added in a camera to make it easier to view my final scene.
Next week I will be starting to UV my scene and making final tweaks to my models.
Week 4 Review
Due to feed back last week I was asked to create an Ambient occlusion for my scene so that that my scene looked more realistic, along with making a mechanism for my door, because of this I have not UV'd my scene as I intended to.
The first thing that I did this week was Create the ambient occlusion for my scene to do this I set up a skylight in the scene, Applied a basic grey material to all objects within the scene And adjusted the render settings to get the ambient occlusion effect. The Image below shows a before and after of the process.
Afterwards I decided to use the feed back I had been given last week and add some personality to my scene I did this by adding in some cobwebs to the scene to make it look as the though it hadn't been used in a while. I did this by crating a spider web in Photoshop using brushes and then adding an alpha map to each texture.
Once I had created these images, I then placed them onto a 2D plane in 3DS Max and applied the textures to to the material using the diffuse and opacity map, so that you can see through the web.
Finally I worked again on the door of my scene because from my feedback I was advised to create a door which had a cool mechanism when the door opened there fore I decided to redo my door again so that I could create a better design.

In this update I have started to UV and texture my scene make it look more complete I have tried to make it look similar to my inspirational image as well as making some differences to my own scene.

This image shows that I have tried to add a little life to my scene by adding in some alien blood that has been smeared on one of the columns along with adding a very rusted look to my floor and pipes in the scene. I also decided to use the feed back from classes and add something to floor as before it looked empty.
For my next update I will be trying to complete my UV's and re adjusting my doors which was something I was told to work on from my feedback.
This is the updated version of my scene, imported into UDK Using Glow map for the columns creating a light source for my scene. Along with the new wall and floor textures I have created in Photoshop.
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